Since the slideshow from Mari & Jeff's wedding can take a little while to load on some computers, I thought that I would put a few of my favorite images up for your enjoyment in still form. Hope that you like them...
Welcome to the Web Journal of Paul Price/PSQuared Photographic
Hey Paul. Thanks for the blog love. I love details too, great job you have done here! Its funny how we all have our little 'niches'. I love people and getting those natural looks. When it is detail time, I usually have my assistant shoot those ;-) haha. You are rockin them.
keep it up.
Hey Paul, these are really good! Great color & details. Really nice job.
LOVE these- that second shot is gorgeous!
C-L-A-S-S-Y. You rocked these P2! (Imagine the 2 as a little 2!! ;-)
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