Friday, April 18, 2008

PUG's Rule!

Recently, I've been asked quite a bit about how long PSQuared Photographic has been in business. While I give the actual answer to whoever asks, my perception of how long is a little different. Why is that you ask? Well, when I started the company a few years ago, I had many preconceived notions about what was needed to start a wedding photography business. I based my whole business plan on the model that I used for so many years as a commercial photographer and then didn't understand why my business wasn't growing at the rate that I was used to. Then in December 2007, it was suggested to me that I get involved in my local PUG. Whats a PUG you ask? No, its not a cute little dog that looks like it ran into a brick wall. PUG stands for Pictage Users Group. Basically, its a group of local wedding & portrait photographers that get together to talk shop, network and basically support each other. Man has this changed my business! Gone were my preconceived notions and boy did I have it all wrong. Thanks to Geoff Chessman and my local PUG buddies, Armin, Sarah, and Jessica; my eyes were open and my business has started to slowly grow. So ask me now when PSQuared Photographic started. I say it truly started the moment that I got involved with my local PUG.

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