Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Its been too long since my last post, but things have been really busy. A wonderful family to photograph over the holidays and a new website to start off 2008. Check out the new digs 
@ Let me know what you think. So I have been asked what my New Year's resolution is and the truth is that I have a few. Here they are:

  1. Keep my resolution!:) (We all know that most folks forget their resolution after the bubbly wears off from the celebrations)
  2. Dedicate more time to my family!
  3. Invest myself in two people. (Human beings are the best investment of all.)
  4. Read a good book for enjoyment, not because I have to.
  5. Build my business
  6. Post to my blog more than once a month:)
  7. Market myself and my business more effectively
So raise a glass to keeping all of our resolutions. Until next time...

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